Monday, May 20, 2013

Money Management 101: Make your Money Grow!

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Are you spender or a saver? While this is primarily a beauty and fashion blog, there's no reason to go broke chasing after your favorite labels based on impulse or keeping up with the latest trends if you can't afford it. In today's ever-changing economy, it's important to be financially saavy and to always plan for the unexpected. Now believe me, I'm just as guilty as the next person when it comes to a SALE at my favorite store. Sometimes, I just can't walk away. So to help you build a better financial future, I've provided some simple steps to help you save.

1. Save Money on Entertainment
Are you paying a sky-high cable bill each month? You might want to consider cutting down on your cable package or eliminate it all together. After all, most t.v. shows or movies are available for free ONLINE.  So why pay $150 (or more) for cable when you can pay $50/ month having the internet? Or consider get a bundle package.

2. Cell Phone Bill
Did you choose the right cell phone plan? Evaluate your cell phone bill. Are you using ALL or close to the amount of minutes you purchased? Do you use text data or the internet? If there's something you're not using, you might want to contact your cell phone provider and customize your cellular plan so that you're not paying for what you don't need.

3. Health Club Membership
Are you actually going to the gym that you registered for? If not, instead of having a $10-$20 monthly fee taken out of your account, try using your local park or school track for a good workout. It may be more convenient for you and best of all it's FREE!

4. Brown Bag Your Lunch
Are you spending $10-$15 per day on lunch? That adds up to $50-$75 PER WEEK! If you have time, try making your lunch the night before. Or you could use last night's dinner as your next day's lunch. Do what works best for you. By bringing your own food and snacks, that's more money in your pocket to keep.

5. Buy Generic
When grocery shopping, read the label. Sometimes, that store-brand product is just as good as the highly-marketed one. Also, consider buying generic when it comes to your prescriptions. Most times--those medicines have the same ingredients--but your paying for the brand name.

6. Pay off your credit cards
Try to pay off your credit cards in full. If not, over a period of time, you'll end up paying wayyyyy more in interest charges.

7. Set a budget and stick to it. 
Simply put, if it's not in your budget or a necessity, don't purchase it.

Spend less than you make, it's the only way to build up wealth.

9. Cut off your electronics
You can save money on your energy bill by unplugging unused electronics. Not using that charger, unplug it. Place your computer in power-saver mode and don't forget to cut off your monitor.

10. Pay your bills on time
Paying late on a bill almost guarantees some sore of fee. Why pay extra money when you don't have to?

Now I'm not saying don't treat yourself every once in a while. But as the saying goes--everything in moderation.

                                               What are some ways that you save money?

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